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As promised yesterday, here are my pictures of harvest thus far.  It looks like we won’t get finished today.  It was way too damp last night and we had to wait longer than we expected for the dew to dry.  When the wheat is too damp, the combines can’t combine it.  The damp straw clogs up the augers on the headers.  Anyways, pictures!

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Working into the evenings means you get to enjoy some beautiful sunsets!  These were taken one evening when we stopped for supper.


Lunch Break!  They don’t even get to come into the house to eat.  I take meals out in my Excursion, and I try to time it so we can all eat together.  During harvest, most of our “family time” is spent in one vehicle or another.

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Here, we are unloading our semi onto what is called the ground pile.  A ground pile is exactly what it sounds like: a pile on the ground.   Since the elevator will take in much more grain than they have storage for, they use the ground pile for much of their excess.   It has special ventilation so the grain doesn’t rot or hold too much moisture.

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Another view of our semi unloading onto the ground pile.  The second picture is of the elevator’s grain bins and their second ground pile.


All the fuss is over these tiny grains of wheat!

Well, that’s probably enough pictures for now.  Stay tuned for more harvest updates!